[Opensim-dev] server consoles

Jeff Ames jeffames at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 02:35:24 UTC 2007

>  * That we pass the logging interface to each component that should be able
> to log; ie no global logging singleton (that road has already lead to grief)

This is a bit of a side note, but there is a patch in mantis currently
to add log4net support
(http://bug.opensecondlife.org/view.php?id=438).  I'm no log4net
expert, I believe that you can use the GetLogger static method, and
avoid passing global variables around.

Currently in that patch, all the log4net stuff is hidden inside the
LogBase class, though, so whatever variable passing was going on is
still going on.  This probably wouldn't be too hard to change.  It
would kind of hard-code log4net as the only logging option, but
perhaps that's okay....


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