User talk:WhiteStar

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Revision as of 06:15, 2 March 2012 by WhiteStar (Talk | contribs)

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Message for Fritigern :)

I just realized I made a small oops when creating some pages... it's been a while and old habits... anyways, instead catagorizing the OSSL stuff I just made the straight pages. I'd fix it but not sure how best to move them over or whatever it takes, therefore don't wanna make anything worse LOL. So please accept my apologies in advance. :) --WhiteStar 18:09, 1 March 2012 (PST)

It's fine, we'll move stuff as we find he time. The most important thing is that the info is here :-)
--Fritigern 01:59, 2 March 2012 (PST)

I know it's not a "big bad" and I did read your page will certainly follow your info there. In fact... I wrote the stuff up yesterday, ten went to your page to see if you had an email cause I wanted to ask you to check over and see if I missed a template or whatever & saw what you had on there and realized I ned to chat with you... LOL Thanks Again :) --WhiteStar 05:15, 2 March 2012 (PST)

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