
From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 08:52, 9 June 2011 by Makopoppo (Talk | contribs)

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I'm alive and fine

I live in Tokyo, and I'm fine for now. I'm not radiated yet.

Current Project

Sorting All Pages in Current Wiki

For Now

Article: How to enable groups

Article: Encoding for database (check if it can display CJKs out-of-the-box)

Bot Running: some cleanup for files

How to reduce maintenance efforts for Grid List - template structure, or bots

Develop: "set god level" command


Develop: Oracle Connection Provider

Revising endpoint and each implementation - see the following section


My thought about OpenSimulator

OpenSimulator, as a software, consists of three parts - core, endpoint and extension implementations (module). Current wiki has three parts mixed up. What is the most needed to documented for developers is the endpoint specification. The implementations are varied from each other but the endpoints definition is the same, and if it is well documented, you can create your own modules without looking throughout the entire code.

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