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I am opensim user and simulator operator sharing my notes so its usefull to others.  :

VOCABULARY: my understanding of the following terms.

   GRID: One ore more simulator (SIM) supported by one or more robust.exe instance. 
   MOP Media on prim: the possibility to present a web page content on the face of a prim. 
   OAR: Archiving file for region. 
   PARCEL a subdivision of a region minimum size is 4mx4m= 16 meter square
   REGION a 256mx256m = 65,536 meters square area in opensim
   SIMULATOR: also call SIM one opensim.exe instance running supporting one ore more region(s).
   STANDALONE: The simulator and the supporting  services are all run from one instance of opensim.exe 
   VARREGION: a region with variable dimension. At time of writing limited to square values of multiples of regions (ex. 4x4 = 16 region area) .  


I advocate the use of OAR for backup similarly to any other software file extension. I believe that creators in opensim shall be able to save their work as easily within their region as creating a document in word. For now you can do that with an object inworld and a opensim script command call osConsoleCommand(string command). That script command is high treat level as define in by opensim. Therefor it has to be authorize by simulator operator for parcel owner in the region simulator as follow: Allow_osConsoleCommand = PARCEL_OWNER or UUID You can also use the UUID of the simulator operator to enforce treat level and rez the object yourself for your guess to use. This script will automatically save an oar when the prim count change by more then 10 . OAR saving can also be initiated by touch. Here is an exemple of the script for such an object. :
   // 130502
   //oar saver rez on region you are owner 
   //see for instruction
   //130502 add interaction with hud
   // 130120
   integer setup=FALSE;//Chnage to false to complete setup
   string dir="/home/gimisa/Bureau/oar/gimisa/";//the location where to sa ve the oar so your user can access it.
   key id = "598c76d4-a9d0-2fd6-0a81-fc72dca068b5";//default key 
   string idName="gimisa";
   key dtc;//detected avatar
   string region;//region name
   string cmd;//command
   integer ok;//status
   integer pcount;//number of prim cunt
   integer ppcount;//previous prim count
   integer flag=FALSE;//save oar flag
   integer dbug=FALSE;
         ok=osConsoleCommand("change region "+ region);
         string tme=llGetTimestamp();
         llSay(0,"Region: "+ region);
         llInstantMessage(id,"saving oar " +dir+region + "."+tme + ".tgz" );  
         llSay(0, "please wait a few minutes to complete");  
         if(!setup) ok=osConsoleCommand("save oar " +dir+region + "."+ tme + ".tgz"); 
         osMakeNotecard(dir+region + "."+ tme + ".tgz","");//storgage is done by notecard name
         llSetObjectDesc((string)pcount);//count is store in object description  
           "There are " + primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL) + " total prims on this parcel."); 
           primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER) + " prims are owned by the parcel owner.");
           primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP) + " prims set to or owned by the parcel's group.");
           primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER) + " prims that are not set to the parcel group or owned by the parcel owner."); 
           primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED) + " prims are selected."); 
           primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP) + " prims are temp-on-rez.");
   string primCountThisParcel(integer flag)
       vector currentPosition = llGetPos();
       pcount=llGetParcelPrimCount(currentPosition, PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL, FALSE); 
       (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(currentPosition, flag, FALSE);
   { state_entry(){
   touch_start(integer num_detected)
   {  dtc=llDetectedKey(0);
      if ( !(dtc==id | dtc ==llGetOwner())) {
      llSay(0, "sorry but only "+ idName + " can use this");
   sayPrimCount();//say in open chat prim counts of the sim 
   saveOAR();//save oar
   state wait;
     ppcount=(integer) llGetObjectDesc();
     if(pcount==0) return;
     if(ppcount==0){ ppcount=pcount;llSetObjectDesc((string)pcount); }
     if((pcount-ppcount>10 | pcount-ppcount<-10) && !flag){flag=TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(60.*15.);return;}
     if(!(pcount-ppcount>10 | pcount-ppcount<-10) )return;
     sayPrimCount();//say in open chat prim counts of the sim 
     saveOAR();//save oar  
   state wait {
        state_entry(){ llSetTimerEvent(5.0*60.);}
   timer(){ llSay(0,"will appear on FTP when complete");
        llLoadURL(dtc, "OAR FTP SITE", ""); 

You can find a free copy along with a tutorial about oars and the object oarsaver in the little grid I operate for testing purpose call gimisaOS. You can reach it via Hypergrid using your viewer map with search for


Media on prim can be very interesting. The way to add a media on the face of a prim is straightforward selecting a prim face in the build tool and then activating the media of choice in the texture tab media selector ( varies with viewer). Se tutorial in gimisa5 tutorial area for more detail and picture. You should display a picture of some kind ( you can use the same prim by texturing it) as default texture to illustrate to your visitor that you are using media on prim. Most viewer disable the auto play of media prim forcing user to seek them for display. The advantage of Media on prim is that it has no impact server side since the viewer is handling the request via its internal browser. Please note that the view is asynchronous. Specialy if video it meaning that what you see is not what other will see or hear on the same prim face. Just like if you are visiting the page by yourself on the web. The web browser in viewer is Mozilla compatible with QTWebKit. Therefor it has NONE of the HTML5 capabilities.
I am using MOP to overcome the sound limit in OpenSim. A sound file play in world is limited to 10 sec per file. One technic use to overcome that limit is to cut a longer sound file in 10 sec sections and to piggy back the set with a proper script . That has a detrimental effect on your region cause of the bandwith required to send the sound file in this way. The sound is heard by all in the vicinity.
The way I use to do that is via MOP. The sound file can be built from any mixer software you like and can have any length. The trick is to convert it to swf (flash) so it can be compatible with any operating system (mac, window, linux ) . There is a number of online converter that will be fine for the job. The file need to be accessible to the web. That is a serious limitation to causal users unfortunately comment on the later as to how to do that direcly in opensim would be nice. Then you need a wrapper in the form of a standard web page with the following embed tag. <embed src="http://locationOfYourSoundFile/Here.swf" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" loop="false" autostart="true" > Sorry your viewer does not support flash (swf) files </embed>
You can get a demo of the effect of this trick by visiting and search for gimisa4 region in map.

Hope it help 150525

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