Server Commands

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You can type server commands on the region server or ROBUST service console to do various things.
You can type server commands on the region server or ROBUST service console to do various things.
'''Disclaimer''': some commands may not work as expected, some may not work at all, and there is a chance that you may even lose all your settings/contents. This summary quickly goes out of date - the best place to find commands is by typing "help" on the region console.
'''Disclaimer''': some commands may not work as expected, some may not work at all, and there is a chance that you may even lose all your settings/contents. This summary quickly goes out of date - the best place to find commands is by typing "help" on the region console.
Except where noted, this list should be accurate for OpenSim 0.7.1 onwards.
Except where noted, this list should be accurate for OpenSim 0.7.1 onwards.
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=== General ===
=== General ===
*alert <message> - send an in-world alert to everyone
* alert <message> - send an in-world alert to everyone
*alert-user <first> <last> <message> - send an an in-world alert to a specific user
* alert-user <first> <last> <message> - send an an in-world alert to a specific user
*backup - trigger a simulator backup (Persist objects to the database now). The simulator does this automatically at regular intervals and on shutdown.
* backup - trigger a simulator backup (Persist objects to the database now). The simulator does this automatically at regular intervals and on shutdown.
*bypass permissions &lt;true / false&gt; - Bypass in-world permission checks  
* bypass permissions &lt;true / false&gt; - Bypass in-world permission checks  
*change region <region name> - subsequent commands apply only to the specified region. If region name is "root" then all regions are selected
* change region <region name> - subsequent commands apply only to the specified region. If region name is "root" then all regions are selected
*clear-assets - forcibly clears asset cache, probably leaving sim unstable. Use with caution.  
* clear-assets - forcibly clears asset cache, probably leaving sim unstable. Use with caution.  
*command-script [name of scriptfile] - Runs a command script containing server commands  
* command-script [name of scriptfile] - Runs a command script containing server commands  
*create region [name] [filename] - Create a new region  
* create region [name] [filename] - Create a new region  
*debug packet <level> - Turn on packet debugging, where OpenSim prints out summaries of incoming and outgoing packets for viewers, depending on the level set
* debug packet <level> - Turn on packet debugging, where OpenSim prints out summaries of incoming and outgoing packets for viewers, depending on the level set
*debug permissions - Turn on permissions debugging
* debug permissions - Turn on permissions debugging
*debug scene - Turn on scene debugging
* debug scene - Turn on scene debugging
*delete-region <name> - Delete a region from disk
* delete-region <name> - Delete a region from disk
*edit scale [primitivename] [xvalue] [yvalue] [zvalue] - changes size of the named prim  
* edit scale [primitivename] [xvalue] [yvalue] [zvalue] - changes size of the named prim  
*emergency-monitoring - turn emergency debugging monitoring mode on or off.
* emergency-monitoring - turn emergency debugging monitoring mode on or off.
*export-map [<path>] - Save an image of the world map (default name is exportmap.jpg)
* export-map [<path>] - Save an image of the world map (default name is exportmap.jpg)
*force permissions - Force permissions on or off.
* force permissions - Force permissions on or off.
*force update - triggers a resend of all prims in a region  
* force update - triggers a resend of all prims in a region  
*help [<command>] - Get general command list or more detailed help on a specific command or set of commands
* help [<command>] - Get general command list or more detailed help on a specific command or set of commands
*kick user <first> <last> [message]: - Kick a user off the simulator
* kick user <first> <last> [message]: - Kick a user off the simulator
*kill uuid <UUID> - Kill an object by UUID (helpful with red lines in the console)
* kill uuid <UUID> - Kill an object by UUID (helpful with red lines in the console)
*link-mapping - Set a local grid co-ordinate to link to a remote hypergrid  
* link-mapping - Set a local grid co-ordinate to link to a remote hypergrid  
*link-region - Link a HyperGrid region. Not sure how this differs from link-mapping
* link-region - Link a HyperGrid region. Not sure how this differs from link-mapping
*modules list - List modules
* modules list - List modules
*modules load <name> - Load a module
* modules load <name> - Load a module
*modules unload <name> - Unload a module
* modules unload <name> - Unload a module
* monitor report - Returns a variety of statistics about the current region and/or simulator
* monitor report - Returns a variety of statistics about the current region and/or simulator
* quit - equivalent to shutdown.
* quit - equivalent to shutdown.
* region restart abort [<message>] - Abort a scheduled region restart, with an optional message
* region restart abort [<message>] - Abort a scheduled region restart, with an optional message
* region restart bluebox <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. If one delta is given then the region is restarted in delta seconds time. A time to restart is sent to users in the region as a dismissable bluebox notice. If multiple deltas are given then a notice is sent when we reach each delta.
* region restart bluebox <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. If one delta is given then the region is restarted in delta seconds time. A time to restart is sent to users in the region as a dismissable bluebox notice. If multiple deltas are given then a notice is sent when we reach each delta.
* region restart notice <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. Same as above except showing a transient notice instead of a dismissable bluebox.
* region restart notice <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. Same as above except showing a transient notice instead of a dismissable bluebox.
* reload estate - reload estate data
* reload estate - reload estate data
*remove-region - remove a region from the simulator
* remove-region - remove a region from the simulator
*restart - Restarts all sims in this instance
* restart - Restarts all sims in this instance
*set log level [level] - change the console logging level only. For example, off or debug. See [[Logging]] for more information.
* set log level [level] - change the console logging level only. For example, off or debug. See [[Logging]] for more information.
*set region flags <Region name> <flags> - Set database flags for region
* set region flags <Region name> <flags> - Set database flags for region
*set terrain heights <corner> <min> <max> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain texture heights on corner #<corner> to <min>/<max>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate. Corner # SW = 0, NW = 1, SE = 2, NE = 3.
* set terrain heights <corner> <min> <max> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain texture heights on corner #<corner> to <min>/<max>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate. Corner # SW = 0, NW = 1, SE = 2, NE = 3.
*set terrain texture <number> <uuid> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain <number> to <uuid>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate.
* set terrain texture <number> <uuid> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain <number> to <uuid>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate.
* show caps - show all registered capabilities URLs
* show caps - show all registered capabilities URLs
:NOTE: In OpenSim 0.7.1, "show capabilities" is shown as a result for help command, but actually only "show caps" will be accepted. ([ #5467])
:NOTE: In OpenSim 0.7.1, "show capabilities" is shown as a result for help command, but actually only "show caps" will be accepted. ([ #5467])
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* show neighbours - Shows the local regions' neighbours
* show neighbours - Shows the local regions' neighbours
* show pending-objects - show number of objects in the pending queues of all viewers
* show pending-objects - show number of objects in the pending queues of all viewers
* show pqueues [full] - show priority queue data for each client. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
* show pqueues [full] - show priority queue data for each client. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
* show queues - Show queue data for agent connections.
* show queues - Show queue data for agent connections.
* show ratings - Show rating data
* show ratings - Show rating data
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* show stats - show usefull statistical information for this server. See [[#Frame Statistics Values|Frame Statistics Values]] below for more information.
* show stats - show usefull statistical information for this server. See [[#Frame Statistics Values|Frame Statistics Values]] below for more information.
* show threads - shows the persistent threads registered with the system. Does not include threadpool threads.  
* show threads - shows the persistent threads registered with the system. Does not include threadpool threads.  
* show throttles [full] - Show throttle data for each client connection, and the maximum allowed for each connection by the server. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
* show throttles [full] - Show throttle data for each client connection, and the maximum allowed for each connection by the server. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
* show uptime - show server startup time and uptime.
* show uptime - show server startup time and uptime.
* show users [full]- show info about currently connected users to this region. Without the 'full' option, only users actually on the region are shown. With the 'full' option child agents of users in neighbouring regions are also shown.
* show users [full]- show info about currently connected users to this region. Without the 'full' option, only users actually on the region are shown. With the 'full' option child agents of users in neighbouring regions are also shown.
* show version - show server version.
* show version - show server version.
* shutdown - disconnects all clients and shutdown.
* shutdown - disconnects all clients and shutdown.
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=== Appearance Module Commands ===
=== Appearance Module Commands ===
* appearance show - Show information about avatar appearance. Currently just checks whether the baked texture is "OK" or "corrupt". Still in development. Only exists in development code at the moment.
* appearance show - Show information about avatar appearance. Currently just checks whether the baked texture is "OK" or "corrupt". Still in development. Only exists in development code at the moment.
=== Archive Commands ===
=== Archive Commands ===
*load iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Load user inventory archive. See [[Inventory_Archives]].
* load iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Load user inventory archive. See [[Inventory Archives]].
*load oar [filename] - load an OpenSimulator archive. This entirely replaces the current region. Default filename is '''region.oar'''. See [[OpenSim Archives]].
* load oar [filename] - load an OpenSimulator archive. This entirely replaces the current region. Default filename is '''region.oar'''. See [[OpenSim Archives]].
*load xml [-newIDs [<x> <y> <z>]] - Load a region's data from XML format (0.7.*: DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. Use "load xml2" instead)
* load xml [-newIDs [<x> <y> <z>]] - Load a region's data from XML format (0.7.*: DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. Use "load xml2" instead)
:those xml are the result of the export save or *export save-all
:those xml are the result of the export save or *export save-all
*load xml2 [filename] - optional parameters not supported for XML2 format as at 1-Jul-2008  
* load xml2 [filename] - optional parameters not supported for XML2 format as at 1-Jul-2008  
*save iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Save user inventory archive. See [[Inventory_Archives]]
* save iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Save user inventory archive. See [[Inventory Archives]]
*save oar [filename] - save the current region to an OpenSimulator archive. Default filename is '''region.oar'''. See [[OpenSim Archives]].
* save oar [filename] - save the current region to an OpenSimulator archive. Default filename is '''region.oar'''. See [[OpenSim Archives]].
*save prims xml2 [<prim name> <file name>] - Save named prim to XML2
* save prims xml2 [<prim name> <file name>] - Save named prim to XML2
*save xml [filename] - save prims to XML  
* save xml [filename] - save prims to XML  
*save xml2 [filename] - save prims to XML (Format 2 - rearrangement of some nodes, to make loading/saving easier)  
* save xml2 [filename] - save prims to XML (Format 2 - rearrangement of some nodes, to make loading/saving easier)  
=== Config Commands ===
=== Config Commands ===
*config get [<section>] [<key>] - Get the current configuration, either for a particular key, a particular section or the whole config.
* config get [<section>] [<key>] - Get the current configuration, either for a particular key, a particular section or the whole config.
*config save <path> - Save the current configuration to a file.
* config save <path> - Save the current configuration to a file.
*config set <section> <key> - Set a particular configuration value. On the whole, this is useless since neither OpenSim nor modules dynamically reload config values.
* config set <section> <key> - Set a particular configuration value. On the whole, this is useless since neither OpenSim nor modules dynamically reload config values.
*config show [<section>] [<key>] - Synonym for 'config get'
* config show [<section>] [<key>] - Synonym for 'config get'
=== Land Module Commands ===
=== Land Module Commands ===
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* scripts resume [<script-item-uuid>] - Resumes all suspended scripts
* scripts resume [<script-item-uuid>] - Resumes all suspended scripts
* scripts show [<script-item-uuid>] - Show script information. <script-item-uuid> option only exists from git master 82f0e19 (2012-01-14) onwards (post OpenSimulator 0.7.2).
* scripts show [<script-item-uuid>] - Show script information. <script-item-uuid> option only exists from git master 82f0e19 (2012-01-14) onwards (post OpenSimulator 0.7.2).
* scripts start [<script-item-uuid>] - Starts all stopped scripts
* scripts start [<script-item-uuid>] - Starts all stopped scripts
* scripts stop [<script-item-uuid>] - Stops all running scripts
* scripts stop [<script-item-uuid>] - Stops all running scripts
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* terrain bake - Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map.
* terrain bake - Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map.
* terrain revert - Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap.
* terrain revert - Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap.
* terrain newbrushes - Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes.   WARNING: This is a debug setting and may be removed at any time.
* terrain newbrushes - Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes. WARNING: This is a debug setting and may be removed at any time.
* terrain stats - Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes.
* terrain stats - Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes.
* terrain effect - Runs a specified plugin effect
* terrain effect - Runs a specified plugin effect
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=== Asset Service ===
=== Asset Service ===
*delete asset - Delete an asset from the database. Doesn't appear to be implemented.
* delete asset - Delete an asset from the database. Doesn't appear to be implemented.
*dump asset <ID> - Dump an asset to the filesystem. (dev code only)
* dump asset <ID> - Dump an asset to the filesystem. (dev code only)
*show digest <ID> - Show summary information about an asset. From OpenSim 0.7.3 onwards this will be renamed to "show asset"
* show digest <ID> - Show summary information about an asset. From OpenSim 0.7.3 onwards this will be renamed to "show asset"
===User Service===
=== User Service ===
* create user [first] [last] [passw] [RegionX] [RegionY] - creates a new user and password
* create user [first] [last] [passw] [RegionX] [RegionY] - creates a new user and password
:or just: create user - and server prompts for all data
:or just: create user - and server prompts for all data
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* set user level <firstname> <lastname> <level> - Set UserLevel for the user, which determines whether a user has a god account (0.7.2-dev)
* set user level <firstname> <lastname> <level> - Set UserLevel for the user, which determines whether a user has a god account (0.7.2-dev)
== Details of Terrain Module Commands==
== Details of Terrain Module Commands ==
==== terrain load ====
==== terrain load ====
Line 176: Line 176:
* filename (String)
* filename (String)
The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
==== terrain load-tile ====
==== terrain load-tile ====
Line 183: Line 183:
* filename (String)
* filename (String)
The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
* file width (Integer)
* file width (Integer)
The width of the file in tiles
The width of the file in tiles
Line 198: Line 198:
* filename (String)
* filename (String)
The destination filename for your heightmap, the file extension determines the format to save in. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
The destination filename for your heightmap, the file extension determines the format to save in. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)
==== terrain fill ====
==== terrain fill ====
Line 250: Line 250:
The plugin effect you wish to run, or 'list' to see all plugins
The plugin effect you wish to run, or 'list' to see all plugins
== Details of Hypergrid Commands==
== Details of Hypergrid Commands ==
For full details and explanations of Hypergrid Commands, see the [ Linking Regions] sections of the [ Installing and Running Hypergrid] page.
For full details and explanations of Hypergrid Commands, see the [ Linking Regions] sections of the [ Installing and Running Hypergrid] page.
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== Frame Statistics Values ==
The labels of the Frame Statistics values shown by the console command "show stats" are a bit cryptic. Here is a list of the meanings of these values:
* Dilatn - time dilation
* SimFPS - sim FPS
* PhyFPS - physics FPS
* AgntUp - # of agent updates
* RootAg - # of root agents
* ChldAg - # of child agents
* Prims - # of total prims
* AtvPrm - # of active prims
* AtvScr - # of active scripts
* ScrLPS - # of script lines per second
* PktsIn - # of in packets per second
* PktOut - # of out packets per second
* PendDl - # of pending downloads
* PendUl - # of pending uploads
* UnackB - # of unacknowledged bytes
* TotlFt - total frame time
* NetFt - net frame time
* PhysFt - physics frame time
* OthrFt - other frame time
* AgntFt - agent frame time
* ImgsFt - image frame time
[[Category:Getting Started]]
==Frame Statistics Values==
The labels of the Frame Statistics values shown by the console command "show stats" are a bit cryptic. Here is a list of the meanings of these values:
*Dilatn  - time dilation
*SimFPS  - sim FPS
*PhyFPS  - physics FPS
*AgntUp  - # of agent updates
*RootAg  - # of root agents
*ChldAg  - # of child agents
*Prims  - # of total prims
*AtvPrm  - # of active prims
*AtvScr  - # of active scripts
*ScrLPS  - # of script lines per second
*PktsIn  - # of in packets per second
*PktOut  - # of out packets per second
*PendDl  - # of pending downloads
*PendUl  - # of pending uploads
*UnackB  - # of unacknowledged bytes
*TotlFt  - total frame time
*NetFt  - net frame time
*PhysFt  - physics frame time
*OthrFt  - other frame time
*AgntFt  - agent frame time
*ImgsFt  - image frame time

Revision as of 21:11, 3 March 2012

What are server commands?

You can type server commands on the region server or ROBUST service console to do various things.

Disclaimer: some commands may not work as expected, some may not work at all, and there is a chance that you may even lose all your settings/contents. This summary quickly goes out of date - the best place to find commands is by typing "help" on the region console.

Except where noted, this list should be accurate for OpenSim 0.7.1 onwards.


Region Console Commands


  • alert <message> - send an in-world alert to everyone
  • alert-user <first> <last> <message> - send an an in-world alert to a specific user
  • backup - trigger a simulator backup (Persist objects to the database now). The simulator does this automatically at regular intervals and on shutdown.
  • bypass permissions <true / false> - Bypass in-world permission checks
  • change region <region name> - subsequent commands apply only to the specified region. If region name is "root" then all regions are selected
  • clear-assets - forcibly clears asset cache, probably leaving sim unstable. Use with caution.
  • command-script [name of scriptfile] - Runs a command script containing server commands
  • create region [name] [filename] - Create a new region
  • debug packet <level> - Turn on packet debugging, where OpenSim prints out summaries of incoming and outgoing packets for viewers, depending on the level set
  • debug permissions - Turn on permissions debugging
  • debug scene - Turn on scene debugging
  • delete-region <name> - Delete a region from disk
  • edit scale [primitivename] [xvalue] [yvalue] [zvalue] - changes size of the named prim
  • emergency-monitoring - turn emergency debugging monitoring mode on or off.
  • export-map [<path>] - Save an image of the world map (default name is exportmap.jpg)
  • force permissions - Force permissions on or off.
  • force update - triggers a resend of all prims in a region
  • help [<command>] - Get general command list or more detailed help on a specific command or set of commands
  • kick user <first> <last> [message]: - Kick a user off the simulator
  • kill uuid <UUID> - Kill an object by UUID (helpful with red lines in the console)
  • link-mapping - Set a local grid co-ordinate to link to a remote hypergrid
  • link-region - Link a HyperGrid region. Not sure how this differs from link-mapping
  • modules list - List modules
  • modules load <name> - Load a module
  • modules unload <name> - Unload a module
  • monitor report - Returns a variety of statistics about the current region and/or simulator
  • quit - equivalent to shutdown.
  • region restart abort [<message>] - Abort a scheduled region restart, with an optional message
  • region restart bluebox <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. If one delta is given then the region is restarted in delta seconds time. A time to restart is sent to users in the region as a dismissable bluebox notice. If multiple deltas are given then a notice is sent when we reach each delta.
  • region restart notice <message> <delta seconds>+ - Schedule a region restart. Same as above except showing a transient notice instead of a dismissable bluebox.
  • reload estate - reload estate data
  • remove-region - remove a region from the simulator
  • restart - Restarts all sims in this instance
  • set log level [level] - change the console logging level only. For example, off or debug. See Logging for more information.
  • set region flags <Region name> <flags> - Set database flags for region
  • set terrain heights <corner> <min> <max> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain texture heights on corner #<corner> to <min>/<max>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate. Corner # SW = 0, NW = 1, SE = 2, NE = 3.
  • set terrain texture <number> <uuid> [<x>] [<y>] - Sets the terrain <number> to <uuid>, if <x> or <y> are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in <x> or <y> to wildcard that coordinate.
  • show caps - show all registered capabilities URLs
NOTE: In OpenSim 0.7.1, "show capabilities" is shown as a result for help command, but actually only "show caps" will be accepted. (#5467)
  • show circuits - Show agent circuit data
  • show connections - show connections data
  • show http-handlers - show all registered http handlers
  • show hyperlinks - list hg regions
  • show info - show server information (version and startup path)
  • show modules - show module data
  • show neighbours - Shows the local regions' neighbours
  • show pending-objects - show number of objects in the pending queues of all viewers
  • show pqueues [full] - show priority queue data for each client. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
  • show queues - Show queue data for agent connections.
  • show ratings - Show rating data
  • show regions - Show region data (Region Names, XLocation YLocation coordinates, Region Ports, Estate Names)
  • show stats - show usefull statistical information for this server. See Frame Statistics Values below for more information.
  • show threads - shows the persistent threads registered with the system. Does not include threadpool threads.
  • show throttles [full] - Show throttle data for each client connection, and the maximum allowed for each connection by the server. Without the 'full' option, only root agents are shown. With the 'full' option child agents are also shown.
  • show uptime - show server startup time and uptime.
  • show users [full]- show info about currently connected users to this region. Without the 'full' option, only users actually on the region are shown. With the 'full' option child agents of users in neighbouring regions are also shown.
  • show version - show server version.
  • shutdown - disconnects all clients and shutdown.
  • unlink-region <local name> - unlink a hypergrid region

Appearance Module Commands

  • appearance show - Show information about avatar appearance. Currently just checks whether the baked texture is "OK" or "corrupt". Still in development. Only exists in development code at the moment.

Archive Commands

  • load iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Load user inventory archive. See Inventory Archives.
  • load oar [filename] - load an OpenSimulator archive. This entirely replaces the current region. Default filename is region.oar. See OpenSim Archives.
  • load xml [-newIDs [<x> <y> <z>]] - Load a region's data from XML format (0.7.*: DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. Use "load xml2" instead)
those xml are the result of the export save or *export save-all
  • load xml2 [filename] - optional parameters not supported for XML2 format as at 1-Jul-2008
  • save iar <first> <last> <inventory path> <password> [<archive path>] - Save user inventory archive. See Inventory Archives
  • save oar [filename] - save the current region to an OpenSimulator archive. Default filename is region.oar. See OpenSim Archives.
  • save prims xml2 [<prim name> <file name>] - Save named prim to XML2
  • save xml [filename] - save prims to XML
  • save xml2 [filename] - save prims to XML (Format 2 - rearrangement of some nodes, to make loading/saving easier)

Config Commands

  • config get [<section>] [<key>] - Get the current configuration, either for a particular key, a particular section or the whole config.
  • config save <path> - Save the current configuration to a file.
  • config set <section> <key> - Set a particular configuration value. On the whole, this is useless since neither OpenSim nor modules dynamically reload config values.
  • config show [<section>] [<key>] - Synonym for 'config get'

Land Module Commands

  • land show - Shows all parcels on the current region.

Script Commands

These currently only exist in git master OpenSimulator development code post the 0.7.2 release.

  • scripts resume [<script-item-uuid>] - Resumes all suspended scripts
  • scripts show [<script-item-uuid>] - Show script information. <script-item-uuid> option only exists from git master 82f0e19 (2012-01-14) onwards (post OpenSimulator 0.7.2).
  • scripts start [<script-item-uuid>] - Starts all stopped scripts
  • scripts stop [<script-item-uuid>] - Stops all running scripts
  • scripts suspend [<script-item-uuid>] - Suspends all running scripts

Terrain Module Commands

Note that some of these may require a sim restart to show properly.

  • terrain load - Loads a terrain from a specified file.
  • terrain load-tile - Loads a terrain from a section of a larger file.
  • terrain save - Saves the current heightmap to a specified file.
  • terrain fill - Fills the current heightmap with a specified value.
  • terrain elevate - Raises the current heightmap by the specified amount.
  • terrain lower - Lowers the current heightmap by the specified amount.
  • terrain multiply - Multiplies the heightmap by the value specified.
  • terrain bake - Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map.
  • terrain revert - Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap.
  • terrain newbrushes - Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes. WARNING: This is a debug setting and may be removed at any time.
  • terrain stats - Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes.
  • terrain effect - Runs a specified plugin effect

Tree Module Commands

  • tree active - Change activity state for the trees module
  • tree freeze - Freeze/Unfreeze activity for a defined copse
  • tree load - Load a copse definition from an xml file
  • tree plant - Start the planting on a copse
  • tree rate - Reset the tree update rate (mSec)
  • tree reload - Reload copse definitions from the in-scene trees
  • tree remove - Remove a copse definition and all its in-scene trees
  • tree statistics - Log statistics about the trees

Windlight/LightShare Module Commands

  • windlight load - Load windlight profile from the database and broadcast
  • windlight enable - Enable the windlight plugin
  • windlight disable - Enable the windlight plugin

ROBUST Service Commands

These can also be accessed on the simulator command console itself in standalone mode.

Asset Service

  • delete asset - Delete an asset from the database. Doesn't appear to be implemented.
  • dump asset <ID> - Dump an asset to the filesystem. (dev code only)
  • show digest <ID> - Show summary information about an asset. From OpenSim 0.7.3 onwards this will be renamed to "show asset"

User Service

  • create user [first] [last] [passw] [RegionX] [RegionY] - creates a new user and password
or just: create user - and server prompts for all data
Note for use of create user in standalone mode: use the user default coordinates
of 1000,1000 for Start Region X and Y position otherwise server
gives error of "[LOGIN]: Not found region"
  • reset user password - reset a user's password.
  • login-level <value> - Set the miminim userlevel allowed to login.
  • login-reset - reset the login level to its default value.
  • login-text <text to print during the login>
  • show account <firstname> <lastname> - show account details for the given user name (0.7.2-dev)
  • set user level <firstname> <lastname> <level> - Set UserLevel for the user, which determines whether a user has a god account (0.7.2-dev)

Details of Terrain Module Commands

terrain load

Loads a terrain from a specified file.


  • filename (String)

The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)

terrain load-tile

Loads a terrain from a section of a larger file.


  • filename (String)

The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)

  • file width (Integer)

The width of the file in tiles

  • file height (Integer)

The height of the file in tiles

  • minimum X tile (Integer)

The X region coordinate of the first section on the file

  • minimum Y tile (Integer)

The Y region coordinate of the first section on the file

terrain save

Saves the current heightmap to a specified file.


  • filename (String)

The destination filename for your heightmap, the file extension determines the format to save in. Supported extensions include: .r32 (RAW32) .f32 (RAW32) .ter (Terragen) .raw (LL/SL RAW) .jpg (JPEG) .jpeg (JPEG) .bmp (BMP) .png (PNG) .gif (GIF) .tif (TIFF) .tiff (TIFF)

terrain fill

Fills the current heightmap with a specified value.


  • value (Double)

The numeric value of the height you wish to set your region to.

terrain elevate

Raises the current heightmap by the specified amount.


  • amount (Double)

terrain lower

Lowers the current heightmap by the specified amount.


  • amount (Double)

The amount of height to remove from the terrain in meters.

terrain multiply

Multiplies the heightmap by the value specified.


  • value (Double)

The value to multiply the heightmap by.

terrain bake

Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map.

terrain revert

Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap.

terrain newbrushes

Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes. WARNING: This is a debug setting and may be removed at any time.


  • Enabled? (Boolean)

true / false - Enable new brushes

terrain stats

Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes.

terrain effect

Runs a specified plugin effect


  • name (String)

The plugin effect you wish to run, or 'list' to see all plugins

Details of Hypergrid Commands

For full details and explanations of Hypergrid Commands, see the Linking Regions sections of the Installing and Running Hypergrid page.

show hyperlinks

This command will show a list of all hypergrid linked regions.

link-region <Xloc> <Yloc> <host> <port> <location-name>

  • Use Xloc and Yloc that make sense to your world, i.e. close to your regions, but not adjacent.
  • replace and 9006 with the domain name / ip address and the port of the region you want to link to

E.g. link-region 8998 8998 9006 OSGrid Gateway

unlink-region <local region name>

This command will unlink the specified hypergrid linked region - be sure to use the exact local name as reported by the "show hyperlinks" command.

Important Note

Due to a viewer bug, you can only TP between regions that are no more than 4096 cells apart in any dimension. What this means in practice is that if you want to link to OSGrid, you must have your own regions reachable from the (10,000; 10,000) point on the map, which is where OSGrid is centered. Place your regions somewhere in the 8,000s or the 12,000s.


Frame Statistics Values

The labels of the Frame Statistics values shown by the console command "show stats" are a bit cryptic. Here is a list of the meanings of these values:

  • Dilatn - time dilation
  • SimFPS - sim FPS
  • PhyFPS - physics FPS
  • AgntUp - # of agent updates
  • RootAg - # of root agents
  • ChldAg - # of child agents
  • Prims - # of total prims
  • AtvPrm - # of active prims
  • AtvScr - # of active scripts
  • ScrLPS - # of script lines per second
  • PktsIn - # of in packets per second
  • PktOut - # of out packets per second
  • PendDl - # of pending downloads
  • PendUl - # of pending uploads
  • UnackB - # of unacknowledged bytes
  • TotlFt - total frame time
  • NetFt - net frame time
  • PhysFt - physics frame time
  • OthrFt - other frame time
  • AgntFt - agent frame time
  • ImgsFt - image frame time
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