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Revision as of 12:05, 25 October 2017 by Kcozens (Talk | contribs)

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osNpcSit(key npc, key target, integer options)
C#: void osNpcSit(LSL_Key npc, LSL_Key target, int options)
  • Makes an NPC sit on an object.
  • Options - OS_NPC_SIT_NOW. Makes the npc instantly sit on the prim if possible. This is the only option available and is currently always on no matter what is actually specified in the options field.
    • If the prim has a sit target then sit always succeeds no matter the distance between the NPC and the prim.
    • If the prim has no sit target then
      • If the prim is within 10 meters of the NPC then the sit will always succeed.
      • At OpenSimulator 0.7.5 and later, if the prim is further than 10 meters away then nothing will happen.
      • Before OpenSimulator 0.7.5, if the prim is further than 10 meters away then the avatar will attempt to walk over to the prim but will not sit when it reaches it.
Threat Level High
Permissions ${XEngine|osslNPC}
Extra Delay 0 seconds
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