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Revision as of 16:13, 12 June 2011 by Fritigern (Talk | contribs)

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LSL: list osGetRegionStats()
C#: LSL_List osGetRegionStats()
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// llGetRegionStats() example script
// Displays certain region statistics in hovertext above the prim containing the script.
        llSetTimerEvent( 5.0 );
        list Stats = osGetRegionStats();
        string s = "Sim FPS: " + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_SIM_FPS ) + "\n";
        s += "Physics FPS: " + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_PHYSICS_FPS ) + "\n";
        s += "Time Dilation: " + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_TIME_DILATION ) + "\n";
        s += "Root Agents: " + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_ROOT_AGENTS ) + "\n";
        s += "Child Agents: " + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_CHILD_AGENTS ) + "\n";
        s += "Total Prims: " + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_TOTAL_PRIMS ) + "\n";
        s += "Active Scripts: " + (string) llList2Integer( Stats, STATS_ACTIVE_SCRIPTS ) + "\n";
        s += "Script LPS: " + (string) llList2Float( Stats, STATS_SCRIPT_LPS );
        llSetText( s, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 1.0 );
Returns a list of float values representing a number of region statistics (many of the values shown in the "Stats Bar" of LL-based clients). Provides similar functionality to llGetRegionFPS() and llGetRegionTimeDilation(), but returns 21 statistics simultaneously.

The elements in the list may be referred to by the following new LSL constants:


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