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Revision as of 02:32, 23 March 2012 by Ssm2017 (Talk | contribs)

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There are a number of ways of monitoring OpenSimulator. All of these relate to monitoring the simulator itself - there is currently no good way to extract statistics from ROBUST hosted services.


If a simulator is running, a GET request to


will return


in UTF8 if the simulator is running and the port is reachable by the network.

Monitoring Module

The monitoring module allows one to retrieve region statistics via a URL. Unlike XSimStatus and UXSimStatus one can retrieve statistics per scene rather than just statistics for the scene which sents its stats data last.

In OpenSimulator 0.7.2 this is always active. Data is provided in XML format. This is the recommended monitoring module.

See Monitoring Module

Web Statistics Module

The Web Statistics Module is a module in OpenSimulator that can provide human readable HTML pages of monitor stated updated dynamically via AJAX. It also stores some historical data. See Web Statistics Module for more details.


This old facility provides a way to retrieve some very basic region data and some more detailed information about the simulator as a whole. The data is returns is of low quality. It is always active. Data is provided in JSON format.

See XSimStatus.


This returns identical data to the main simulator part of XSimStatus but allows you to explicitly set the URL for retrieving monitoring data rather than having to retrieve a handler with a random UUID. Data is provided in JSON format.

See UXSimStatus

Other stats facilities





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