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Information and links relating to Windlight and LightShare use in OpenSimulator.

The LightShare module to use Windlight settings on specific regions and to make them available to capable viewers was initially created by Meta7...

The features can be used through three LightShare (ls) functions:

  • lsGetWindlightScene
  • lsSetWindlightScene
  • lsSetWindlightSceneTargeted

Default settings are shown being set in this sample script:

Note that although the core functionality is available within OpenSim 0.7 onwards. A database table "regionwindlight" is used to store the settings.

LightShare is enabled by setting the [LightShare] section of OpenSim.ini for the OpenSim.exe serving the regions you wish to enable using using enable_windlight = true (rather than the default of false).

 ; This enables the transmission of Windlight scenes to supporting clients, such as the Meta7 viewer.
 ; It has no ill effect on viewers which do not support server-side windlight settings.
 ; Currently we only have support for MySQL databases.
 enable_windlight = true;
 ; Enable the use of these functions, e.g. for a nominated avatar
 Allow_lsGetWindlightScene = UUID
 Allow_lsSetWindlightScene = UUID
 Allow_lsSetWindlightSceneTargeted = UUID

LighShare Enabled Viewers

A special viewer is needed to receive Windlight settings broadcast by a region through the LightShare mechanism. E.g, Imprudence. LightShare support is disabled by default in Imprudence. To enable it, open the "Preferences > Advanced" tab, and change the "Allow region Windlight settings (LightShare)" option. More details of the options are at:

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