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Revision as of 02:39, 16 October 2020 by Ubit (Talk | contribs)

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See last code changes at Dev (git master)

Note: Due to the development work, this may be in bad state. Use with care



Also see Release Notes

Known Issues

Region handling of region environment changed to a unified system.
Previous had LightShare and WindLight running side by side, each with own data store and communication protocols, occasionally with conflicting results.
New viewers introduce extended environment settings, so 0.9.2 now uses a internal representation more suitable for those new features. This new representation is automatically converted to and from LightShare or Windlight as needed.

  • LightShare no longer has its own communications protocol. This was already obsolete, so no point on asking viewer developers to keep supporting it. As consequence of this, some viewers may no longer detect region side changes either done by other users or scripts.


OpenSimulator requires:

  • At least .NET Framework 4.6 when running under Windows.
  • At least Mono 5.x when running under Mono (Linux or Mac).

Due to database migration renumbering which occurred at release, if you are upgrading from a version of OpenSimulator prior to, then you MUST first upgrade to ** and then proceed to upgrade directly to See for more advice.

Changes and Fixes

  • Added a real transparent texture for default transparency and avatar alphas transparency. Asset 3a367d1c-bef1-6d43-7595-e88c1e3aadb3 must be removed by hand from any retained current regions cache (at bin/assetcache/3a3) and viewers cache clean. Then make sure you do one viewer login to an updated grid/region.
  • Altered mechanism for reading OSSL section of OpenSim.ini to use config-include/osslDefaultEnable.ini which then loads config-include/osslEnable.ini overrides. Also note the section name is now [OSSL]. Please change your OpenSim.ini and config-include/osslEnable.ini accordingly using the examples in OpenSim.ini.example and configo-nclude/osslEnable.ini.example.
  • Added some OSSL functions osGetSitActiveRange, osGetLinkSitActiveRange, osGetStandTarget, osGetLinkStandTarget, osSetSitActiveRange, osSetLinkSitActiveRange, osSetStandTarget, osSetLinkStandTarget, ….
  • Removed outdated support for SimianGrid. Simian was a web/php alternative to Robust (https://code.google.com/archive/p/openmetaverse).
  • Region environment handling changed to support new viewer features.


Many, many thanks to all the developers, testers and community members who contributed to this release and who help out with OpenSimulator generally. Your hard work makes this all possible.

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