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MySQL Server

  • MySQL で OpenSim用データベースを作成し,OpenSimの管理ユーザを登録しておく.
  • 例:データベース名 opensim, OpenSim管理ユーザ openwim_user, OpenSim管理パスワード opensim_pass の場合.
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
Enter password: データベース全体の管理者のパスワード
mysql> create database opensim;
mysql> grant all on opensim.* to opensim_user identified by 'opensim_pass';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> exit
  • グループ理念などで日本語を表示できるようにするには,/etc/my.cnf を編集して文字コードを utf8 にする
# cat /etc/my.cnf


User Server


# mono OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe


  • 初回起動時に質問が表示され,その結果として UserServer_Config.xml が生成される.
  • Connection String for Database には MySQLに設定したデータベースの情報を入力する.
  • Connection String for Database などにわざと値を入力しないで OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe をクラッシュさせ,後で UserServer_Config.xml を手動で修正しても良い.
USER SERVER: Default Startup Message [Welcome to OGS]: Welcome to TEST Grid
USER SERVER: Default Grid Server URI []: 
USER SERVER: Key to send to grid server [null]: 
USER SERVER: Key to expect from grid server [null]: 
USER SERVER: Default Inventory Server URI []: 
USER SERVER: User Server (this) External URI for authentication keys [ http://localhost:8002/]: 
USER SERVER: Path to library control file [./inventory/Libraries.xml]: 
USER SERVER: DLL for database provider [OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll]: 
USER SERVER: Connection String for Database []: Data Source=;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim_user;Password=opensim_pass;
USER SERVER: Http Listener port [8002]: 
USER SERVER: Use SSL? true/false [False]: 
USER SERVER: Known good region X [1000]: 
USER SERVER: Known good region Y [1000]: 
USER SERVER: Enable LLSD login support [Currently used by libsl based clients/bots]? true/false [True]: 
USER SERVER: Enable Hypergrid login support [Currently used by GridSurfer-proxied clients]? true/false [True]: 
USER SERVER: Minimum Level a user should have to login [0 default] [0]: 
USER SERVER: Remote console access user name [Default: disabled] []: 
USER SERVER: Remote console access password [Default: disabled] []:


  • 初回設定時に上記のように入力した場合は,次のような UserServer_Config.xml が生成される.
 <Config default_startup_message="Welcome to TEST Grid" default_grid_server=""
 grid_send_key="null" grid_recv_key="null" default_inventory_server="" 
 default_authentication_server="http://localhost:8002/" library_location="./inventory/Libraries.xml" 
 database_connect="Data Source=;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim_user;Password=opensim_pass;" 
 http_port="8002" http_ssl="False" default_X="1000" default_Y="1000" enable_llsd_login="True" 
 enable_hg_login="True" default_loginLevel="0" console_user="" console_pass="" />

Grid Server


# mono OpenSim.Grid.GridServer.exe


  • 初回起動時に質問が表示され,その結果として GridServer_Config.xml が生成される.
  • Connection String for Database には UserServer_Config.xmlと同様に MySQLに設定したデータベースの情報を入力する.
GRID SERVER: Default Asset Server URI []: 
GRID SERVER: Key to send to asset server [null]: 
GRID SERVER: Key to expect from asset server [null]: 
GRID SERVER: Default User Server URI []: 
GRID SERVER: Key to send to user server [null]: 
GRID SERVER: Key to expect from user server [null]: 
GRID SERVER: Key to send to a simulator [null]: 
GRID SERVER: Key to expect from a simulator [null]: 
GRID SERVER: DLL for database provider [OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll]: 
GRID SERVER: Database connect string []: Data Source=;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim_user;Password=opensim_pass;
GRID SERVER: Http Listener port [8001]: 
GRID SERVER: Allow regions to register immediately upon grid server startup? true/false [True]: 
GRID SERVER: Remote console access user name [Default: disabled] []: 
GRID SERVER: Remote console access password [Default: disabled] []:


  • 初回設定時に上記のように入力した場合は,次のような GridServer_Config.xml が生成される.
 <Config default_asset_server="" asset_send_key="null" asset_recv_key="null" 
 default_user_server="" user_send_key="null" user_recv_key="null" sim_send_key="null" 
 sim_recv_key="null" database_provider="OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" 
 database_connect="Data Source=;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim_user;Password=opensim_pass;" 
 http_port="8001" allow_forceful_banlines="TRUE" allow_region_registration="True" console_user="" 
 console_pass="" />

R.O.B.U.S.T Server

  • 0.6.7 では Assets Server と Inventory Server は統合されて R.O.B.U.S.T

Messaging Server

Money Server

Region Server

MS Windows

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