Build Instructions

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(Moved performance-related link to Performance page)
Line 408: Line 408:
  Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: CodePage 1252 not supported
  Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: CodePage 1252 not supported
on startup when using mysql.  This can be resolved by installing the package libmono-i18n2.0-cil (see
on startup when using mysql.  This can be resolved by installing the package libmono-i18n2.0-cil (see
=== Additional Items ===
* [[GC_NO_EXPLICIT|GC NO EXPLICIT]] - Enable Large Heap in Mono, this has been known to help performance and stability
== Hardware selection guide ==
== Hardware selection guide ==

Revision as of 01:11, 19 October 2009

This page covers building OpenSim from source code on multiple platforms. Please help us keep this page up to date as the project progresses.


Download OpenSim

Check out the Download page for instructions on obtaining an OpenSim source release.

MS Windows

OpenSim requires either the .Net framework version 2.0, or the latest Mono. It supports the following compilers:

Additional note: If you like IDE's you will need C# express 2008 or VS 2008.

Additional note: Microsoft C# Express v9 may install .Net 3.5 with resultant path error.

  1. To avoid install .Net framework version 2.0

Additional note: It is possible to develop on Windows Vista 64 bits with the following tweaks:

  1. Select OpenSim project properties from solution and choose platform to be x86. Rebuild solution.
  2. Select OpenSim.exe properties under solution bin folder and choose windows xp sp 2 compatibility mode + run as administrator.


  • In the top-level directory, run the 'runprebuild.bat' file. This will create a VS2008 solution file, a nant build file and a 'compile.bat' file.
  • Open the resulting sln file with visual studio and build it there, or
  • Run the 'compile.bat' file. This will build the executable using MSBuild.
  • if you prefer to use nant, run nant in the same top-level directory. This will build the executables.

If you don't care about physics (walking on prims, etc), ignore the rest of this section.


Recent versions of OpenSim come without an OpenSim.ini file. Copy the OpenSim.ini.example file to OpenSim.ini before making any changes.

Double-click on the OpenSim.exe executable file in the bin directory. This will start up OpenSim in standalone mode.

The debugger in VS2005 C# may be used to step through the code. For those that use a Cygwin shell, you may find that one or more dll's have permissions that cause problems running. Most find that a "chmod 777 *" from the bin directory solves this.

Physics can be invoked by adding the appropriate line to the [Startup] section of OpenSim.ini. For ODE, that would be:

physics = OpenDynamicsEngine

You can also add a command line option to a shortcut, or run from a command prompt with:


Windows Vista

Some people have reported that to run on Windows Vista, you must first disable Windows Firewall. Under the new "Start" button of Vista, select "Control panel". Then double-click "Windows Firewall". In the window that pops up, on the left column, select "Turn Windows Firewall on or off". You will have to give permission for this to run, then select the option "Off (not recommended)". Click "OK" and exit from the Windows Firewall window.

If you have McAfee SecurityCenter, see the description below.

Once all the security features are disabled, right click on OpenSim.exe and select "Run as administrator". This will pop up a window asking permission, select "Allow". Your OpenSim server should run in a DOS-like window and accept connections.

McAfee Security

McAfee Security does not allow applications to listen on ports not explicitly specified. You have two options: 1) disable firewall protection all together, 2) enable OpenSim.exe to be able to open ports.

Disable firewall

Open McAfee SecurityCenter. Select "Internet & Network". In the lower left corner is a small link to "Configure...". Select this. In the right side of the window, select the bar that says "Firewall protection is enabled". Here you can select "Off".

Enable OpenSim.exe to open ports

Open McAfee SecurityCenter. Select "Internet & Network". In the lower left corner is a small link to "Configure...". Select this. In the right side of the window, select the bar that says "Firewall protection is enabled". Select the "Advanced..." button. This will pop up a new window.

In the new window, on the left side, select "Program Permissions." In the middle on the right side of the window, select the "Add Allowed Program" button. Use the browser that pops up to find the OpenSim executable and select it.

Finally, select "OK" and exit the McAfee SecurityCenter window.

Linux/Mac OS X/FreeBSD

The easiest plaform to get running on the Linux side is Ubuntu 8.10, 32bit. This is what most of the developers running Linux use. If you are looking for the quick path, start there.

Ubuntu 8.04 / 8.10 / 9.04 / 9.10

For Ubuntu users on older distributions (7.10, 8.04, etc.) you need to upgrade your mono to at least 1.9.1. Mono 2.2 is currently the preferred version to run OpenSim with. (** NOTE ** - recent builds seem to prefer 2.4?)

You can use the built in packages for mono. However, for better performance, you may want to upgrade mono to 1.9.1 (Other simple method)

sudo apt-get install subversion nant mono-gmcs libmono-microsoft8.0-cil \
     libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libgdiplus libmono-i18n2.0-cil libmono-oracle2.0-cil
Download opensim
cd opensim

To upgrade the Mono version to the latest stable build Mono 2.0.1, read this page Ubuntu on Mono 2.0.1

openSUSE 10.3/11/11.1

Install an openSUSE 11.1, 11 or 10.3 with its default options, add the online repositories when finished installing do an online update with all the latest packages.

In yast install these packages, for running Opensim in standalone mode. (there is a slight diffrence between 10.3 and 11/11.1 but following should be same)

- check that mono-core is installed

just in case you do not already have it installed

 sudo zypper install mono-data-oracle

A tip for OpenSuSE 11.1 users - you can install packages from the command line using the 'zypper' tool. For example, to install 'nant', use this command:

 sudo zypper install nant

If you just want to use SQLite then jump to last section within this post.

  • Optional mysql - for Opensim running in Grid mode:

Install these mysql packages via yast


(note that selecting mysql in the Yast2 Installer will select the other packages automatically)

Before building create the mysql database.

/etc/init.d/mysql start
mysql -u root -p -h localhost
(when asked for password just hit enter)
mysql> create database opensim;
mysql> use opensim;
mysql> create user 'opensim'@'localhost' identified by 'thePassword';
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'opensim'@'localhost';
mysql> quit
  • note that the grant all command may differ if you're adding the opensim database to an existing mysql installation.

On current builds set the connection string inside bin/OpenSim.ini after coppying the OpenSim.ini.example file. If you are changing to MySQL from SQLite, the connection string for mysql also exists in the bin/Region/*xml files.

  • It is important to remember this if you start out using the built-in SQLite database engine.

Build after installation of above in bash terminal. I save it in /opt

su -
cd /opt
Download opensim
cd opensim

Or, if you have a current (0.6+), you can simply execute:


After this you should be able to continue on starting the diffrent Servers, look in the mysql-config section,or just run your OpenSim as a Standalone. By - eagleFX

Mac OS X 10.5/10.4

  • OpenSim is now working on PowerPC Macs! Thanks to DrScofield and those who helped him. Current nightly builds for PowerPC are not working, not sure about Intel so use the 0.5 Build. OpenSim works on Intel Macs. I'm testing on PowerBook G4. Tested these step on 10.5, but not 10.4 but should work --Mokele 22:36, 14 February 2008 (PST) (Works on iMac G5 with OS 10.4.11, including expanding to local grid mode. --Magnuz 2008-12-15 10:50 (CET))
  • Install XCode Developers Tools from DVD/CD Installation Disk or download from You have to create an Apple account to access the downloads if you don't have an Apple account.
  • Install X11 for 10.4 from the Optional Install from the DVD/CD Installation Disk. X11 for 10.5 is installed by default.
  • Install Mono 1.2.5 from (The more recent releases Mono 1.2.6, 1.9.1 and 2.0.1 do not appear to work with these installation instructions. --Magnuz 2008-12-14 15:56 (CET)) and in Terminal or X11 edit the .profile file and add the following line:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig/:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
  • Compile OpenSim
svn co opensim
cd opensim 
  • Download and Compile libopenjpeg-libsl- and libsecondlife.dll
  • libopenjpeg-libsl-
svn co opensim-libs
cd opensim-libs/openjpeg-libsl
make -f Makefile.osx
cp libopenjpeg-libsl- ../../bin
  • Note: The Makefile that creates the does not compile on PowerPC, but works properly on Intel Macs. Looks like a gcc issue with compile options. (It appears to work on iMac G5 with OS X 10.4.11. --Magnuz 2008-12-14 15:55 (CET))
cd .. (back into opensim-libs)
cp bin/libsecondlife.dll ../bin
  • Edit the libsecondlife.dll.config (PowerPC Only). Remove the cpu="x86" tag in the last dllmap line.

Here is what worked for me (OS X 10.5.7, Intel):

  • make sure you have X11 installed
  • grab the Apple Dev Tools from [1]
  • install Mono Framework 2.4 from [2]
  • Get OpenSim source:
 svn co opensim
  • Compile OpenSim:
 cd opensim

--Kusako 08:06, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Here is what worked for me (OS X 10.5.7 and 10.6, Intel) on (8/9/09):

  • make sure you have X11 installed
  • Very important to grab the latest Apple Dev Tools (3.2.1 on 8/9/09) (from [3] - You will need a developer account, it is free.
  • install Mono Framework 2.4 (version on 8/9/09) from [4]
  • install Mac Ports from [5]
  • Mac Ports should update its packages on install, but to be safe, type the following at the Terminal:
 sudo port -v selfupdate
  • Use mac ports to install nant. (This should pull in everything you need. I think this will also try to install mono, but since I already had it installed, that errored on me. Don't worry about it though, it should install everything else you need.) At the Terminal type:
 sudo port install nant 
  • Get OpenSim source. I downloaded 0.6.6 from [6]
  • Uncompress the download.
  • Compile OpenSim:
 cd opensim
  • Then of course the issue with the 0.6.6 release.

This release had some bugs with default automatic configuration on the first startup of OpenSim.exe. bin/Regions/default.xml (region configuration file) is not automatically created in the main directory. Therefore, you must manually create this file. Here is an example.

  <Config sim_UUID="UUID" sim_name="NAME" sim_location_x="1000" sim_location_y="1000"
 internal_ip_address="IP_ADDRESS_OF_SERVER" internal_ip_port="9000" allow_alternate_ports="false"
 external_host_name="DNS_NAME_OF_SERVER" master_avatar_uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
 estate_covanant_uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" master_avatar_first="FIRST_NAME"
 master_avatar_last="SECOND_NAME" master_avatar_pass="PASSWORD" />

You must change UUID, NAME, IP_ADDRESS_OF_SERVER, DNS_NAME_OF_SERVER, FIRST_NAME, SECOND_NAME and PASSWORD to your own values. (I noticed than IP_ADDRESS_OF_SERVER should be set to real IP not to


  • Run OpenSim0.6.6Setup.exe and install OpenSim in Windows
  • Run OpenSim.exe and enter default values - record them!
  • Shutdown simulator (command: shutdown)
  • Create default.xml with copy of above
  • Change values in default.xml with recoded values
  • Be sure default.xml be in main directory (same with OpenSim.ini)
  • Run again OpenSim.exe
  • Connect with viewer

--thart 12:00, 10 October 2009 (UTC)

FreeBSD 6.2

cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion/ && make install clean (you may also need to rebuild apr-svn if this step fails)
cd /usr/ports/lang/mono/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/devel/nant/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/ && make install clean
cd /opensim/installation/directory/
Download opensim
cd opensim
Note: the instructions on the FAQ to fix the
"System.DllNotFoundException: ./" issue, but use "gmake" instead of "make"

For ODE Physics you must do the following:

cd /usr/ports/graphics/libGL/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/graphics/libGLU/ && make install clean
cd /opensim/installation/directory/
svn co opensim-libs
cd opensim-libs/unmanaged/OpenDynamicsEngine2/
./configure --enable-shared --enable-release --disable-demos
mv ./ode/src/.libs/ /opensim/installation/directory/opensim/bin/

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4

sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mono.repo
 name=Mono for rhel-4-i386 (stable)
sudo yum install mono-complete monodoc-core nant
Download opensim
cd opensim

RedHat Enterprise Linux 5

The instructions below also work on other RedHat Linux flavors such as CentOS or maybe Fedora.

1. Put the Mono.repo file in the /etc/yum.repo.d/ directory:

$ sudo su -
$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
$ wget

Naturally use the most up-to-date link for your distribution.

2. Install Mono and related tools with yum:

$ yum install mono nant mono-jscript mono-nunit

Make sure to use nunit-console2 to run your tests.

Fedora 5

  • I needed to build latest mono and nant from sources to build OpenSim successfully, the ones available in yum repository didn't work so I had to uninstall and build and configure the packages.

For detailed instructions go here

Debian 4

For detailed instructions please see Debian 4 Build Instructions

CentOS 5.2 32bit

For detailed instructions please see CentOS 5.2 Build Instructions


Please note that only 32bit binaries are provided in the bin/ directory of subversion. If you want to use 64bit, you'll need to rebuild these shared objects. See Installing and running on x86-64

Physics (Open Dynamics Engine ODE)

As installed from svn, ODE will work on most 32 bit platforms. If you get an ODE-related crash, and/or a not found type of error, you will need to build libode from source.

Remove from the ./bin folder. (Note that subsequent svn updates may replace it again; best fix is to copy your built to bin). Do NOT remove! Download the latest source from:

svn co

OpenSim requires a couple of patches on top of ODE which are not yet included upstream. When compiling, make sure to use the following configure options:


Make sure the configure script confirms these choices, and always compile with single precision (I believe that's the default). Try make -k if you get errors relating to drawstuff, test*, or openGL. make install should put in the proper place (usually /usr/local/lib), and it should be seen by opensim (

Note: if OpenSim fails to launch with Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: ode, after compiling ODE, just copy from its usual place (probably /usr/local/lib/) to ./bin/, as per this suggestion

Setting up ODE for 64 Bits systems:

HOWTO on setting up and Install OpenSim on SLES10 - SP1 64Bit

1. I installed Mono 2.01, added this installation source in Yast2

   This distro supports installing packages via YaST. Add the following installation source to YaST:
   * [^]
   For assistance with using repositories and installing packages with YaST, visit the Yast help page.
   "nant" was installed also via this operation.

2. I installed subversion from [^]

  SLES/SLED10 ->

3. I downloaded and installed the lastest SVN version of opensim as usual (like a 32 bit system): [^]

4. I downloaded and installed the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) to replace the 32 bit version of ODE with a 64 bit version.

  I did that with the following linux commands:
 (it is expected that you have all required Linux building tools installed):
  # cd
  # svn co [^]
  # cd OpenDynamicEngine
  # chmod a+x ou/bootstrap
  # sh
I installed/updated SLES10 with these rpm's for to run properly. [^]
  SLES/SLED10 ->
  - autoconf-2.61-168.1.x86_64.rpm
  - automake-1.10.1-5.3.x86_64.rpm
  # CFLAGS="-m64" ./configure --enable-shared
  # make
I installed gtk2-devel via yast2, and all its dependancies, because make keept failing.
  # cp ./ode/src/.libs/ /opt/opensim/bin/
in this directory it had made several versions of the "" because of running the previous commands several times
so i had to copy to /opt/opensim/bin/
  # vi ../opensim/bin/OpenSim.ini (change av_capsule_standup_tensor_linux to 1700000)

The 'chmod' command is required to fix permissions that are wrong. The change in OpenSim.ini is required to avoid that avatars have bend legs and/or their feet are in the ground.


Recent versions of OpenSim come without an OpenSim.ini file. Copy the OpenSim.ini.example file to OpenSim.ini before making any changes.

cd bin
mono OpenSim.exe

Note: if you are running a 32bit Server such as Ubuntu 8.0.4 you need the alternative launcher:

mono OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe

  • To invoke ODE, add the option:

to the mono OpenSim.exe line

or add physics = OpenDynamicsEngine to the [Startup] section of OpenSim.ini. Same deal for other physics engines, when available.

On mono 1.2.6, some distributions may see

Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: CodePage 1252 not supported

on startup when using mysql. This can be resolved by installing the package libmono-i18n2.0-cil (see

Hardware selection guide

An often-asked question is "what kind of hardware do I need to successfully run OpenSim?" Unfortunately, the answer is "it depends". The number of regions hosted on a given machine, number of simultaneous avatars on those regions, number of prims, use of scripts, etc., all affect hardware requirements. So, to help you make a more informed selection, some examples of hardware used are listed in the hardware selection guide.

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